LOGACFF23-AH, Hemiptera

Sample information

Photos by: Abigail H
Collection date 08/22/2023
Captive / Cultivated? Captive / Cultivated
Group Georgia Southern University

Collection method: sweep net

Environment: tall grassy area behind the greenhouse by the Aquaponics center

Putative identification Arthropoda Hexapoda Insecta Hemiptera


Extraction kit none
DNA extraction location Rear half
Single or Duplex PCR Single Reaction
Gel electrophoresis system Standard electrophoresis system
Buffer TAE
DNA stain Other
Gel images
Protocol notes


Wolbachia presence No
Confidence level Medium
Explanation of confidence level

I choose medium because i feel like my pipetting wasn’t the best and if I properly did it correctly the results may be different or it may be the same.

Wolbachia 16S sequence
Arthropod COI sequence
Summary The Hemiptera was found to be negative for Wolbachia.
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