American Carpenter Ant

Sample information

Photos by: Annika G.
Collection date 11/12/2024
Captive / Cultivated? Wild-caught
Group Walton High School

Found in forested, moist area under leaves and branches

Putative identification Arthropoda


Extraction kit DNeasy (Qiagen)
DNA extraction location Abdomen
Single or Duplex PCR Single Reaction
Gel electrophoresis system MiniPCR
Buffer TBE
DNA stain GelGreen
Gel images
Protocol notes


Wolbachia presence Unknown
Confidence level High
Explanation of confidence level

Wolbachia gel electrophoresis results were not clear, with bands being blurry and indistinct. The PCR Positive control was faint while the positive Drosophila control was nonexistent. Unclear results from the controls, likely due to poor DNA extraction, prevent accurate Wolbachia determination.

Wolbachia 16S sequence
Arthropod COI sequence
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