GRP9 Genus Armadillidium S1

Sample information

Photos by: Emelie S., Jenny G., Jeanne L., Marcel R.
Collection date 05/12/2024
Captive / Cultivated? Wild-caught
Group California Academy of Mathematics and Science

About 3.5mm x  2.75mm x 2.5mm, black/grey with green spots across the entire exoskeleton, 14 legs

Putative identification Arthropoda


Extraction kit DNeasy (Qiagen) blood and tissue kit
DNA extraction location Gonads dissected
Single or Duplex PCR Single Reaction
Gel electrophoresis system Standard electrophoresis system
Buffer TAE
DNA stain UView
Gel images
Protocol notes

Run gel at 125V for 30 minutes using DNA control ladder with UView.


Wolbachia presence No
Confidence level High
Explanation of confidence level

We observed that all four of our controls worked as expected. The (+) Arthropod control and (+) DNA control had both the Arthropod CO1 and Wolbachia-specific 16S rRNA genes in our Arthropod PCR side, the (-) Arthropod control had only the CO1 band and no Wolbachia band in the Arthropod PCR side, and our (-) water controls had no bands or smudges. This means that the genes were successfully extracted and amplified during extraction and PCR. On the Wolbachia PCR side, we observed only the Wolbachia-specific 16S rRNA bands under the (+) Arthropod and (+) DNA lanes as expected, meaning that the Wolbachia was successfully extracted and amplified our DNA during extraction and PCR with no contamination.

Our DNA ladder bands were clearly present and separated, and our CO1 and 16S rRNA bands showed up in the expected locations, at 708bp and 438bp respectively.

Due to these successes, we can conclude from our sample lanes containing our spotted and non-spotted pillbugs, that they both are not infected with Wolbachia. There is clearly only bands for Arthropod CO1 but no bands for the Wolbachia-Specific 16S rRNA.

Wolbachia 16S sequence
Arthropod COI sequence
Summary The Arthropoda was found to be negative for Wolbachia.
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