Grub Ahub Dub

Sample information

Photos by: Krish Patel
Collection date 09/26/2024
Captive / Cultivated? Wild-caught
Group Woburn Memorial High School

The Grub was found under a Rock and was  a really white and some what see through

Putative identification Arthropoda Hexapoda Insecta Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Phyllophaga


Extraction kit DNeasy (Qiagen) blood and tissue kit
DNA extraction location
Single or Duplex PCR Single Reaction
Gel electrophoresis system MiniPCR
Buffer TBE
DNA stain GelGreen
Gel images
Protocol notes

wolbachia lab 1 then followed to lab 2 then to lab 3 then to lab 4. the only thing changed was the amout of agrose gel which was change to 40 ML


Wolbachia presence No
Confidence level Medium
Explanation of confidence level

as the final results did not show complete accuracy so my confidence level was much lower and i feel like i may have not extrated enough DNA from the Grub

Wolbachia 16S sequence
Arthropod COI sequence
Summary The Phyllophaga was found to be negative for Wolbachia.
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