
Sample information

Photos by: Czauriana S
Collection date 09/06/2023
Captive / Cultivated? Wild-caught
Group Georgia Southern University

Collection Notes

Date of Collection- August 23, 2023​

Time of Collection- 1:01pm – 1:59pm​

Location of Collection- Savannah, Ga North of Armstrong campus parking lot ​

Environment of Collection- Parking lot islands and tall grass right side of parking lot​

Method of Collection- Used mat and beat stick in the parking lot island, swung net over tall grass, and used forceps to collect insects off mat​

Putative identification Arthropoda Hexapoda Insecta Hymenoptera


Extraction kit
DNA extraction location Abdomen
Single or Duplex PCR Single Reaction
Gel electrophoresis system Standard electrophoresis system
Buffer TAE
DNA stain Other
Gel images
Protocol notes

DNA extraction kit of in-house reagents was used.


Wolbachia presence Yes
Confidence level High
Explanation of confidence level

The results of my positive, negative, and no template control all went as they were supposed to. Which makes me confident that my results from the gel electrophoresis was successful.

Wolbachia 16S sequence
Arthropod COI sequence
Summary The Hymenoptera was found to be postive for Wolbachia.
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